
American-Chinese CEO Society (ACCS) Joining & Louis Vuitton during Exclusive Exhibition in Los Angeles
Please join us on Tuesday February 17th, 4:00-7:00 p.m.
located at 1135 North Highland Avenue. Los Angeles
For a Private Tour of:
“LOUIS VUITTON SERIES 2 – Past, Present and Future”
A presentation of the timeless inspirations behind a new collection, located at 1135 North Highland Avenue. Los Angeles is the first stop of a global initiative and tour that will then continue on to Taipei, Rome, Beijing and other international destinations. For more information: vuitton.lv/LVSeries2LA #LVSeries2
一崭新系列背后跨越时空灵感的一场发布会。洛杉矶是此次路易威登全球发布之旅的第一站,将继续前往台北,罗马,北京及其他国际大都会。欲知详情请上网站:vuitton.lv/LVSeries2LA #LVSeries2 。
WHAT: Discover the Series 2 exhibition with fellow ACCS members, followed by an exclusive Cocktail Reception featuring Grande Cuvee Champagne on the Terrace at the brand new Louis Vuitton Beverly Hills flagship store at 295 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, 90210
主题: 与美中企业家商会会员在位于比华利山北罗迪欧街(Rodeo Drive)295号崭新的路易威登比华利山旗舰店一同发掘系列二展示内容,享受含库克罗曼尼钻石香槟(Grande Cuvee Champagne)的专属鸡尾酒会。
WHERE: Arrive at 1135 North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, BEFORE 4:00 p.m. for our Louis Vuitton docent guided tour (approximately 40 minutes), and then you will be escorted by private bus with a Louis Vuitton Ambassador to the Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive store for a Private Tour & Cocktail Party until 7:00 p.m. The bus will return the group back to the parking lot at North Highland Avenue immediately following.
地点: 下午4时前抵达洛杉矶北Highland街1135号由路易威登的讲解员导览(全长约40分钟),然后搭乘专属巴士由路易威登大使陪同前往比华利山罗迪欧街旗舰店进行私人游览及鸡尾酒会直至7时。然后前述巴士会将大家载回原地停车场。
COST: Complementary to all ACCS members and their personal guests. MUST RSVP
费用: 美中企业家商会会员及会员朋友免费,务必报名登 记。
RSVP: Please RSVP your attendance and number of guests by Feb 10th by registering on our ACCS website. Space is limited so please RSVP early before sell out.
回复邀请: 请于2月10日前在美中企业家商会网站报名回复您的出席及将会携带的友人数。名额有限,请及早注册以免向隅。
More information and online registration: American-Chinese CEO Society Joining Louis Vuitton during Exclusive Exhibition 美中企业家商会联合路易威登二月全球首发奢华时尚展邀请
PARKING: Limited Free parking is available at 1135 Highland Avenue. Please carpool if possible.
Please email:
Denise O'Brien
DeniseACCS@gmail.com, Public Relations Director, American-Chinese CEO Society or
Official Louis Vuitton social networks 路易威登正式社交网站:
ACCS social media networks 美中企业家商会社交网站:
Kathy Kung 龚冠群
Business Development Director
American-Chinese CEO Society
714-715-7318 mobile
Twitter: AmChCEO Facebook: 企业家
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxxS38COiffPWDCWoCSt9Q
Youku: 美中企业家商会