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中国商务部京交会美国推介会-US Service Export Promotion Conference by the China Ministry of Commerce and China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services

  • 17 Jan 2014
  • 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Westin Bonaventure 404 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071,Hollywood room- Red Tower, 3rd floor



US Service Export Promotion Conference by the China Ministry of Commerce and China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services

On behalf of the China Ministry of Commerce, China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), the American-Chinese CEO Society,  we would like to invite you to participate in the CIFTIS Promotion Conference on Trade in Services: www.ciftis.org


      Time:  January 17th  2014

          Program: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

          Lunch & Networking: 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm


   Location: The Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites. 

             404 S Figueroa St  Los Angeles, CA 90071

             Hollywood room- Red Tower, 3rd floor

             Tel: (213) 624-1000

 Why attend? 

-To learn about 

China’s fast growing Service Industry opportunity and Supporting policies from  China’s Central & local Government.

-To connect with Chinese & American service companies

-To find US Export Service Company Opportunities

-To learn successful cases from American companies who did

You will also learn about CIFTIS and hear 

China new policy towards these new opportunities directly from China MOFCOM officials http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/    
    首届京交会已于2012 年5 月28 日至6 月1 日在国家会议中心成功举办,围绕服务贸易12 大领域开展了开幕式暨高峰论坛、高层论坛、综合展示、推介洽谈、主题日活动、权威发布等6 类130 多场活动,共有中外参展企业1721 家,全球83 个国家和地区的注册客商2.4万人,到会专业观众累计超过10 万人次,总成交额601.1 亿美元,其中国际服务贸易交易112 亿美元。 
    京交会定位于国家级、国际性、综合型,是涵盖世界贸易组织界定的商业服务,通讯服务,建筑及相关工程服务,金融服务,旅游与旅行相关服务,娱乐、文化与体育服务,运输服务,健康与社会服务,教育服务,分销服务,环境服务,其他服务等12大类服务贸易领域的综合型交易平台。下届京交会定于2014年5月28日至6月1日在国家会议中心成功举办,欢迎联系美中企业家商会报名参团. 预定展位,优惠参加美国馆。


报名请以下点击:More information and online registration: 中国商务部京交会美国推介会-US Service Export Promotion Conference by the China Ministry of Commerce and China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services

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