
August 24th or 25th Depart Los Angeles or other Cities for Tanzania
(August 26th To Arrive Julius Nyerere International Airport the international airport of Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania )
Address: Mansfield Street Dar es Salaam TZ, 14909, Tanzania Phone: +255 659 070 800
豪华贵族 – 坦桑尼亚商务考察-探奇野生动物迁徙游
A Lifetime Exciting African Safari Expedition-Epic Wildlife
2022年8月24/25日 ~ 9月3日
Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Serengeti, Arusha
飞离坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙的国际机场:乞力马扎罗机场, Fly out from Kilimajaro airport (JRO) in Arusha Tanzania
{Meeting Prime Ministers or President 会见总理或总统}

8/26 TO ARRIVE 第一天到达Dar es Salaam市国际机场当地商会安排接机,入住酒店
Address: Mansfield Street Dar es Salaam TZ, 14909, Tanzania
Phone: +255 659 070 800
8/27 第二天拜会坦桑尼亚政府高官,会见精英企业家,商务会谈
Meet Top Leaders of Tanzania
Meet Business Leaders
欢迎晚宴 Welcome Banquet


8/28 第三天, 早上7点达市出发,坐专属巴士前往阿鲁沙- 下榻阿鲁沙美丽雅酒店
各种动物齐集一堂, 形成一个完整的生物链。能看到这条生物链上每一种动物。
塞伦盖蒂公园到恩戈罗保护区 Ngorongoro Serena lodge

恩戈罗火山口公园 Follow the wild animals

世界最大的野生动物园塞伦盖地动物公园-马拉河边探奇野生动物群VIEW WILDLIFE

8/30 第五天, 塞伦盖蒂公园-,塞伦盖蒂国家公园得名于马赛语 Sirin git 的意思是无尽的平原。 塞伦盖蒂位于裂谷河谷, 地质构造丰富。国家公园占地面积14763平方公里, 其中大部分是草原。这些肥沃的草原是火山喷发所沉积的火山灰的结果。在季节性降雨的季度, 超过两百万的角羚, 20万匹斑马和30万头汤姆逊的瞪羚聚集到一起,朝新的草场进行长途跋涉。坦桑尼亚的第一个也是最著名的公园- - 塞伦盖蒂, 以其丰富的豹子和狮子而闻名。公园内辽阔的地方是濒危的黑犀牛的藏身之处, 为脆弱的猎豹提供了一个保护的繁殖地, 旁边是塞伦盖蒂公园内数以千计的其他不同种类的鸟类, 从500种鸟类到100种不同类型的粪甲虫。雨后, 塞伦盖蒂那神奇的金色地平线变成了一望无际的绿色地毯, 点缀着野花。著名的平原上点缀着树木繁茂的山丘, 高耸的白蚁丘, 巨大的岩石kopjes, 和优雅的金合欢树成荫的河流。他们称它为牛羚和狮子的故乡。
Teasing the birds

8/31 第六天,塞伦盖蒂公园—恩戈罗保护区早餐后,继续 game drive 在塞伦盖蒂公园,运气好的话,会再遇上一场迁徙大戏。午餐后,向着恩戈罗戈罗保护区,晚上住保护区内。
9/1 第七天, 恩戈罗火山口公园-阿鲁沙-达市 景点特色:在这独有环境中,所有的动物都比塞伦盖蒂的动物要生活的悠闲,运气好还能看到犀牛。 早餐后前往恩戈罗戈罗火山口公园,Ngorongoro 是一个独特的火山口。火山口是火山坍塌的后效应,而不是爆炸后形成的。恩哥罗哥火山口形成于大约 200 万年前。恩哥罗哥保护区生态系统中有 8300 平方公里的地形和高度。这些变化导致了从草原到山地森林的不同和独特的栖息地。陨石坑本身的平均 直径为18公里,约600米。今天是大草原旅游最后一天的形程,回阿鲁沙。

9/2 第八天,早上7点出发,前往埃亚西湖,了解住在哪里的本土居民-最后的原始部落-哈比
9/3 Check out the hotel. End the trip in Arusha and you will be taken to the airport or on your own arrangement
飞离坦桑尼亚阿鲁沙的国际机场:乞力马扎罗机场,fly out from Kilimajaro airport (JRO) in Arusha
Any ACCS members/Company CEOs, Executives, Government officials who
want to know Tanzania/enjoy safari; to connect with Tanzania's
high level relationships; to build short-cut route to Tanzania's market,
seeking resources & do investments...
ACCS Member Discount Rate 美中企业家商会会员特价 $4,990.00/person on double occupancy,
Non member 非会员:$5,690.00/person on double occupancy all hotels 4/5 star
Request of single occupancy Call for details
---Including all Tanzania domestic Safari trip including logistic arrangements: boarding, meals, transportation and admission tickets .. 包含探奇野生动物迁徙旅游及所有地勤服务:食宿,交通及景区门票
---Not included: transpacific air tickets, visa fee, overtime cost, tips, individual expenses when travel out of the group… 费用不包括国际机票,签证费,导游与司机加班费及小费,脱离团体活动之任何交通或其他费用。。。
Full payment (Do not pay online, money transfer (ask us for ACCS bank Acct info) or Check to American-Chinese CEO Society and mail to ACCS P.O. Box 1832 Arcadia Ca 91077 to avoid extra 3% fees) has to be received by June 15th 2022 to be included in the delegation list.
***费用不含: 1. 国际机票自理不含, 2. 旅行途中的保险和医疗自定 3. 行程中如有自费的项目,不含在此费用当中 4. 小费:每人每天 10.00 美元(大草原看动物,直接给付司导) 5. 马赛村部落参观,费用:USD50/车(自选项目,看动物期间) 6. 塞伦盖蒂乘坐热气球,每人USD600.00. 全程3个小时,早上约5:00点开始,预计 8:00 点结束。(自选项目,需提前预订)
***The cost does not include: 1. International air tickets are not included, 2. Insurance and medical treatment during the trip are not included. 3. If there are self-paid items in the itinerary, they are not included in this cost. 4. Tipping: USD 10.00 per person per day (See animals on the prairie, pay directly to the driver) 5. Tribal visit to Masai Village, fee: USD50/car (optional, during animal watching) 6. Serengeti by hot air balloon, USD600.00 per person. 3 trips hours, starting at about 5:00am and expected to end at 8:00am. (Optional items, need to book in advance)
***温馨提示:1.如有完整的疫苗证明(英文),则入境坦桑尼亚无需提供核酸阴性报告。 但需提前 24 小时在线申报入境健康表。 2.关于塑料胶袋,2019 年 06 月 01 日起,坦桑尼亚禁 止使用有提手的 塑料胶袋。请将此类胶袋全部留在飞机上。否则将会面临巨额罚款。 3.关于签证:坦桑接受落地签,费用是旅游签 50.00 美元。需支付现金。 也可以提前申请电子签证。在线申请。预计14 天出签。 4.关于小黄本:需注射黄热病疫苗, 可以在你居住地CVS 等药房预约注射,提前10天即可。并持有黄色的登记已注射疫苗的本子,俗称“小黄本”,英文: YELLOW BOOK 5. 关于时差:比北京时间晚5个小时。 6.因是热带草原气候,早晚温差较大,建议带一件风衣 7.请自备太阳镜,防晒霜、晒后修复霜,太阳帽 8. 对于体质较弱的人士,请备一些舒缓肠胃不适的药品。 9.相机、相机、相机,重要的事情说三遍,如果条件允许,建议带个高倍望远镜。 10.不提供洗漱用品,请自备及自带拖鞋。
***Just a reminder: 1. If you have a complete vaccine certificate (in English), you do not need to provide a negative nucleic acid report when entering Tanzania. However, the entry health form must be declared online 24 hours in advance. 2. Regarding plastic bags, from June 1, 2019, Tanzania banned the use of plastic bags with handles. Please leave all such plastic bags on the plane. Otherwise, you will face huge fines. 3. About visa: Tanzania accepts visa on arrival, the fee is USD 50.00 for tourist visa. Cash is required. It is also possible to apply for an electronic visa in advance. Online Application. It is expected to be issued in 14 days. 4. About Little Yellow book. Yellow fever vaccine needs to be injected ( Get shots at local CVS or Walgreen pharmacy )10 days in advance. And hold a yellow book of registered vaccines, commonly known as "little yellow book", English: YELLOW BOOK 5. About the time difference: please check your local time and Tanzania time. 6. Because of the tropical grassland climate, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, so it is recommended to bring a windbreaker 7. Please bring your own sunglasses, sunscreen, after-sun repair cream, sun hat 8. For people with weak health, please prepare some medicines to relieve stomach discomfort. 9. Camera, camera, camera, important things are said three times. If conditions permit, it is recommended to bring a high-power telescope. 10. Toiletries are not provided, please bring your own and bring your own slippers.
Please do not carry valuables when travel. The ACCS is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, baggage or other possessions.
- 旅途中请勿携带贵重物品。美中企业家商会对于行李及私人物件之遗失与损坏不负责任。
- Refunds are not given with weather related delay and schedule change or other irresistible factors .
- 若因天气原因或无法抗拒因素造成的行程延误或改变,美中企业家商会不能进行赔偿或退款。
- To convenience Tanzania side for best arrangements, full payment has to be received by June 15 2022 to be added onto the Delegation Name List. Cancellation received prior to end of June will be refunded one half of the payment, after July 15th no payment will be refunded because our payment or deposit to Tanzania side will not be returned.
- 为方便中国方面及早筹备会议以扩大会议效益,参加者必须在2022年6月15日前付清款项,使能够包含在代表团名单内;6月30日以前取消行程退还半数款项,7月15日以后不再退费,因为我们付给坦桑尼亚安排方不会退款。
- Schedules subject to change without notice.
- 本行程活动内容可能因临时因素随时调整,恕不另行通知。
ACCS China Delegation Trip Photos & News for有人reference link:
China Trip Film Link Below for your reference:

For questions OR need help please contact:
Miranda Lu 卢美含
Marketing Director
American-Chinese CEO Society
949-878-8821 mobile