November 6th 2021 6:00 Pm - 9:30 Pm (complimentary 免费公益)
HTTV Studio 12803 Schabarum Ave. Irwindale Ca 91706
Networking & Making Business Friends

Walk & Photos on the red carpet
VIP Singers and Actors:

Hovhannes Babakhanyan - IMDb
Hovhannes Babakhanyan is an American actor and singer

Michael Mickey Durio
CEO of Paris5000 Music & Film and Grammy Award
Winning Film Writer

Eric Zuley an Award-Winning Entrepreneur
Speaker, Actor, TV Producer

American Singer, Actress

Jason Pu, Former Mayor
San Gabriel City Council and CA State Assembly Candidate
Samuel Kang
Councilmember (Former Mayor) City of Duarte

Chin Ho Liao
Mayor of San Gabriel
[ Dress to impress]
[ Karaoke Singing on Stage]

Chinese Great Artist Mr. Zhuang Jinghui will show his artwork to you:
Click the link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/D-j0HE_MG1tPwtuSJAYDxA
[We want to hear your story in fighting and surviving the pandemic on stage]

{ You are welcome to invite and bring your family and friends!}
Note: Temperature taking and show proof of a full COVID-19 vaccine or
Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test at entrance.
Miranda Lu 卢美含
Marketing Director
American-Chinese CEO Society
949-878-8821 mobile
American-Chinese CEO Society 美中企业家商会
Twitter: AmChCEO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACCS4US/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=american-chinese+ceo+society
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=oscar+hollywood+China+night
Youku: 美中企业家商会