
日期:2020年 2月 9日 周日
红毯时间 3:00 至 4:30点
奥斯卡观摩庆典 4:30 至 9:00点
颁奖晚宴 7:00 至 8:30点
时装秀 晚会派对 9:00 至 午夜
Dress Code: Black tie 服饰:礼服
Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Sunday February 9th, 2020
Red Carpet: 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Oscars Viewing Gala: 4:30 PM-9:00 PM
Dinner & Awards 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Fashion Show & After Party: 9:00-midnight
For ticket purchase please visit and register at below link:
Student Special Rate
“ACCS Hollywood China Night event is the only link that connects U.S. and China, the two movie markets with by far the largest box offices that are backed by the two largest economies in the world." ~ Richard Walters, Night of 100 Stars
“美中企业家商会的好莱坞金像奖颁奖典礼中国之夜是奥斯卡晚上唯一一个连接这世界上最大两个电影市场,中国与美国,的活动。这两个市场票房占据全世界70%以上,背后支撑的是世界上最大的两个经济体。” ~ 好莱坞刚刚退休的27年奥斯卡盛会“百星之夜”总裁 李察 华德士
Proposed Special Invited Movie Celebrities and VIP Guests

Anne Heche
Golden Globe Nominated and Emmy Award winning
American actress, director, and screenwriter

Thomas Jane 湯瑪斯·傑恩
美國著名演員、導演、編劇、監製和作家。他的知名作品有1999年電影《深海狂鯊》、電視電影《61*》、《神鬼制裁》和《迷霧驚魂》。HBO喜劇《大器晚成》的演出。2015年演出Syfy的科幻劇《太空無垠》。 維基百科
Golden Globe Nominated and Emmy Award winning
American actor, director, and screenwriter

Debbie Allen
American actress, dancer, choreographer
television director, television producer
former member of the U.S. President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

Robert J. Sexton
American director, producer, writer, musician,
best known for his work on music videos and with virtual reality.
won three Emmy awards recognized by critics worldwide as a director. Wikipedia
Jack E. Curenton
Actor, Producer for Star Wars
Former anchor of KTTV FOX News
Former network correspondent for CBS News & "NBC Nightly News," CNN and HBO's "America Undercover."

Sean Christopher Stone American actor, film director,
producer, cinematographer, screenwriter,
TV host. son of film director Oliver Stone

Zhang Jizong 张纪中
Multi-Award Winning Famous Chinese Director & Producer
Kim Estes
Emmy Award for Outstanding Actor

Heidi Wong王姬
Multi-Award Winning Chinese Actress Multi-Award Winning Chinese Actor
Bob Bassett
Founding Dean of Dodge School of Film and Media Arts

Gua Aleh 归亚蕾
Multi-Award Winning Chinese Actress

Kelly Hu
American actress, voice artist,
former fashion model and beauty queen

Daniel Zirilli
Famed American Action Movie Director

Michael Merino
Multi-Award-winning director, producer, and writer

Isen Robins
Famous Entertainment Executive, Producer & Educator
Distributes Film Worldwide and Won Many Awards with numerous nominations.

Arthur M. Sarkissian 亚瑟·萨克里安 (Right)
American Film Producer
著名制作人 代表作《尖峰时刻》系列

Liu Bin 刘斌
Famed Chinese Movie & TV Actor

Wang Qian 王茜
Multi-Award Winning Movie Actress
Tony Chan 陈国辉
著名导演 Famed Director

Juju Chan 陳鈺芸
Chinese American Kung Fu actress, singer, Miss Chinatown USA 2009 pageant,
and has been called the "Female Bruce Lee" by fans.

Jeff Bowler
American film and television producer best known for The Grand and award-nominated programs "Inked and Driven
Emmy award winning producer and an Oscar nominated producer.

Michael Becker
Famous Producer & CEO of Imprint Entertainment

Elie Kheir Samaha
Film Producer
Co-Owner Of Chinese Theatre
Metta World Peace
Former American NBA Professional Basketball Player & Coach

Norm Nixon
Former American NBA Professional Basketball Player

Alexis Kiley
American Actress and Singer
Ni Jia 贾妮
Famed Chinese Actress 中国著名演员
Antony Szeto Wing-Wah 司徒永華
Award Winning Film Director

Alan Ford
English Actor

Xian Li 李娴
Vice President of SK Global Entertainment

Peter Kwong
Veteran Actor of film, TV & stage


María Conchita Alonso
Famous actress, singer, songwriter,
former beauty queen and Venezuelan philanthropist

Marisela Hernandez
Famed singer

Bonnie Pointer
American singer, most notable for being a member of the Grammy Award–winning vocal group, The Pointer Sisters. Wikipedia

Massimiliano "Massi" Furlan
Italian-American actor and producer & stand-up comedian.appearing in several television series and in the films The Dark Knight Rises, Live by Night, Jumanji: The Next Level and Bad Boys for Life. Wikipedia

Andre Morgan
Internationally renowned film and television producer



Ian Jessel
Former President of Miramax International
Former Vice President of International Distribution and Marketing at CBS Films
Above Information subject to change without notice
About Hollywood “China Night” Event
视频 Video Link Below:
Hollywood China Night---longer virsion 2.mp4
好莱坞“中国之夜”是由美中企业家商会创办的影视盛宴。将于2020年2月9日于洛杉矶好莱坞举办。在活动上,各界朋友可以与中美两国高端企业家,投资商及著名影视大咖,制片人,制作人,导演,剧作家,明星及专业人士互动、交流、脑力激荡、磨合投资机会、研究合拍影片、技术交流,物色国际人才,互通影视资源;与企业社会名流,影星近距离互动、拍照、走红地毯、参与颁奖活动等等。是利用高端社交场合聚焦与曝光的大好机会。活动同时邀请新华社、人民日报、中国日报、美新社、凤凰卫视、侨报,世界日报,星岛日报,美中时报,中华商报,中国报道,汉天卫视,美国国家电视,8sian Media,连之窗中外文化经贸交流平台等二十余家国内外媒体做新闻报道。
Hollywood “China night” is a celebration event funded by Amecian-Chinese CEO Society, which will take place in Los Angeles, Hollywood on Feb. 9th, 2020.
On the event, you will be on the world stage with film industry professionals including producers, directors, screenwriters, actors and ACCS member CEOs, investors and global 500 enterprise executives from U.S. and China. This rare opportunity will create interactions for networking, brainstorm, investments, co-productions, technical exchange, talent identification and resource sharing. Privileges include closed-door meetings, photo-taking, walking on red carpet with celebrities and stars, opportunities to present awards and/or get on stage during banquet, which means lots of spotlight and media exposure that helps you and your business.
News media will be invited include but not limited to the following media: Xinhua news, People’s Daily, China Daily, CCTV, Phoenix TV, Chinese News USA, US China Press, World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Sino US Times, Chinese Biz News, El Popola Ĉinio, HTTV, USTV, 8sian Media,Window of hearts…

Ultimate Shopping Experience

West L.A. law firm with 110 years of history

LA Crystal Hotel

Presented by
American-Chinese CEO Society
ACCS is a group of US and China based business leaders who have come together to build prosperity and friendship across our borders.We are a non-profit organization, without political position, dedicated to sharing our knowledge and experience with each other to enhance our own and others’ success.
ACCS members are in various industries including but not limited to medical devices, medical equipment, hospital construction, mining resources, energy, aerospace, real estate development, chemical engineering, building materials, environmental protection, water engineering, clean coal, textiles, IT technology, computer equipment, electronics, pharmaceuticals, transportation, logistics, furniture, food, toy, and industrial manufacturing etc.; not to mention financial, banking and investment services, legal, accounting, taxation, business consultation, urban design, hospital design, landscaping, healthcare management, education, real estate management and WTO issues; the last but not the least there are members who are engaged in running farm, winery, and ranch.
美国银行(www.BankofAmerica.com)、美国航空(American Airlines)、中国航空(China Airlines)、纽约人寿(www.NewYorkLife.com) 、南海岸购物商场(www.SouthCoastPlaza.com) 、富国银行(www.WellsFargo.com) 、ima 城市规划设计公司(www.imadesign.com) 、毕马威(www.KPMG.com) 、达美航空公司(www.delta.com) 、好莱坞MS&K律师事务所(www.msk.com)、加州高铁承建集团(XpressWest.com) 、新港滩豪宅房地产Surterre Properties (Surterreproperties.com) 、华美银行(www.eastwestbank.com) 、Pactrans Air & Sea物流公司(PacTrans.com) 、泛宇集团(transgloballlc.com)、文景假期(chinatour.com)、佳财会计师事务所(calcpacorp.com)、江苏三棱智慧物联发展股份有限公司(www.slicity.com)、中国的中国工商行、华为、中国移动、中国银行、上海绿地集团、中国联通、上海春秋旅游、上海驻美国办事处、江苏省商务厅驻美国办事处等上千家企业。
Video Recap
Hollywood China Night---longer virsion 2.mp4
No cancellation of purchased tickets allowed from 30 days before event date.
Robert KX Sun 孙凯旋
Deputy Director General
American-Chinese CEO Society
626-551-1266 mobile phone