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2020 Hollywood China Night Sponsorship Invitation 第四届好莱坞“中国之夜”诚邀您的加盟赞助

  • 09 Feb 2020
  • 11 Feb 2020
  • Beverly Hilton Beverly Hills Ca


  • 黄金赞助商:赞助费$5,000 五千美元,专享事宜参考细表。可邀请3名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券

    Gold Sponsor: With $5,000, enjoy the benefits listed as below. May invite 3 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;
  • 钻石赞助商:赞助费$10,000 一万美元,专享事宜参考细表。可邀请5名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券

    Diamond Sponsor: With $10,000, enjoy the benefits listed as below. May invite 5 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;

Registration is closed


2020 Hollywood China Night Sponsorship Invitation


2020 Hollywood China Night

cordially invites you to join us as a sponsor




Hollywood China Night takes place on February 9th 2020 at Beverly Hilton, during Oscars Award Ceremony. This celebration event connects U.S. and China, the two movie giants with great commercial and cultural value backed by the two largest economies in the world. Join us as a sponsor to be on the world stage with film industry professionals including producers, directors, screenwriters, actors/actresses, as well as ACCS member CEOs, investors, and global 500 enterprise executives from the U.S. and China. 


American-Chinese CEO Society (ACCS)’s mission is to connect and foster cultural exchange and relations between the U.S. and China. ACCS believes that China, as an emerging film consumer market with great commercial and market value, holds great opportunities for Hollywood to prosper.


To better serve the film industry, ACCS organizes the fourth Hollywood “China Night” grand celebration on February 9th of 2020. We cordially invite you to join us as a sponsor for the event.


Event Information

   举办日期 Date & Time


好莱坞中国之夜盛典 (与奥斯卡奖颁奖典礼同步)下午3:00至午夜

Hollywood China Night Celebration (Oscars Viewing Party) 3pm - midnight


   举办地址 Address 


The Beverly Hilton, 9876 Wilshire Blvd,   Beverly Hills, CA, 90210

   宴会安排 Event Agenda

3: 00 pm:来宾亮相红地毯 Red Carpet

4: 30 pm :好莱坞“中国之夜”盛典开场仪式  Gala Opening

5: 00 pm:奥斯卡典礼观摩 Oscars® Viewing 

7: 00 pm :晚宴及颁奖典礼 Banquet & Awards

9: 00 pm-午夜:节目表演/宴后舞会 Entertainment & Afterparty




Participants: World Renown film production companies; Media groups; Fashion companies; News Media; Internet celebrity agencies; ACCS member companies; Global top 1000; Also included enterprises invited by the ACCS.


If there will be spare seats after the above groups, ACCS will consider open for the public through sale of tickets.




News media will be invited include but not limited to the following media: Xinhua news, People’s Daily, China Daily, CCTV, Phoenix TV, HTTV, Chinese News USA, China Report, US China Press, Hollywood Weekly, Hollywood Report, Los Angeles Business Journal, LA Post, Orange County Business Journal, US News Express, World Journal, Zhongtian TV, Chinese Biz News, Tencent News, Migu, Chinese USA life...


ACCS Awards


Awards and recognitions are given to individuals/enterprises with outstanding achievements in the film industry and cultural attributions. The recipients are nominated by global CEOs and film industry professionals, based on professional accomplishments and impact on the cultural relations between the U.S. and China.




活动亮点 Highlights

登上世界高规模的影视文化舞台,与中美两国高端企业家,投资商及著名影视大咖,制作人,导演,剧作家,明星及专业人士互动、交流、脑力激荡、磨合投资机会、研究合拍影片、 技术交流,物色国际人才,互通影视资源;与企业社会名流,影星近距离互动、拍照、走红地毯、利用高层次社交场合聚焦与曝光的大好机会;参与颁奖活动等等。众多媒体曝光宣传。

Privileges for sponsors include private meetings, media interviews, red carpet walking with celebrities and superstars, presenting awards and/or delivering speeches on stage during the banquet. Your sponsorship will bring exclusive opportunities for media exposures and publicities to you and your business.

赞助商福利 Benefits

  • 定制发布会 Media Conference

  • 与美中两国政要名流私人会晤 Private Meetings with VVIP Guests

  • 媒体专访 Media Interviews

  • 上台演讲 Speak Opportunity on Stage in Banquet

  • 登台颁奖 Present Awards

  • 红毯背景企业展示 Company Logo on Red Carpet Board

  • 建立商业网络 Networking

  • 走红毯 Walking the Red Carpet with Celebrities

  • 大咖合影等私人定制服务(具体事宜参考赞助方案)Other customized plans


Sponsorship Packages

特约赞助商:赞助费$100,000 十万美元。可邀请70名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券,更多福利请联系我们获取赞助材料。

Presenting Sponsor: With $100,000, enjoy the benefits listed as below. May invite 70 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;

白金赞助商:赞助费$50,000 五万美元。可邀请30名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券,更多福利请联系我们获取赞助材料。

Platinum Sponsor: With $50,000, enjoy the benefits listed in our Sponsorship Package. May invite 30 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;

钻石赞助商:赞助费$30,000 三万美元。可邀请15名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券,更多福利请联系我们获取赞助材料。

Diamond Sponsor: With $30,000, enjoy the benefits listed in our Sponsorship Package. May invite 15 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;

黄金赞助商:赞助费$10,000 一万美元。可邀请6名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券,更多福利请联系我们获取赞助材料。

Gold Sponsor: With $10,000, enjoy the benefits listed in our Sponsorship Package. May invite 6 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;

银牌赞助商:赞助费$5,000 五千美元。可邀请3名宾客出席晚宴,派对,及论坛(如果举办)入场券,更多福利请联系我们获取赞助材料。

Silver Sponsor: With $5,000, enjoy the benefits listed in our Sponsorship Package. May invite 3 guests to the banquet, red carpet and networking;


Media Sponsor: Any media who will report the event can enjoy some benefits, please contact us for discussion.


Disclaimer: Sponsors have to pay the sponsorship amount and submit company logos, advertising materials, and the banners’ measurements to be placed in the Event before December 30th, 2019. If any delay, ACCS will not be responsible for the short placing of logos and/or banners as promised on the Sponsorship Invitation. Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated.

★ 如有意成为赞助商,了解更多信息请联系美中企业家商会:714-623-2533 或电邮至:catieaccs@gmail.com 谢谢合作!

For more information regarding sponsorship process and package details, please contact Catie at catieaccs@gmail.com (714-623-2533) or visit our website: www.american-chineseceo.org 

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