
As China reaching deeper and deeper into Hollywood, Chinese investors flood into U.S feature film investment and seek for opportunities. Hollywood has been full of temptation, but it doesn't mean YOU——the investor, can get the benefit out of your investment.
Should I invest theatrical films at major studios or in the independent film world?
How to do film selection and green light analysis?
How to negotiate deal terms and structure?
How does distribution proceeds “waterfalls” for foreign (or Asian or Chinese) investors?
If you are: Asian investor with capital for film investment, filmmakers, interested in film investing or film companies looking for fundings for your projects, this forum is just for YOU!

On the event day, we've invited some special investors and attorneys who have years of experiences working in the U.S and China film industry to analysis and discuss on "U.S film investment" and share the real guide for investors.
Special Guests and Speakers
Steve Krone 史蒂夫・克朗

MSK Partner MSK律师事务所合伙人
Steve Krone represents entertainment, media and convergence companies, financial institutions, investors and financiers, and individual creative artists and executives in connection with all aspects of the financing, development, production, acquisition, distribution and other exploitation of motion pictures, television programming, video games, music, online and other content, and related products and services. He also focuses his practice on intellectual property, copyright, non-copyright protection of ideas, privacy and celebrity publicity rights, defamation, and royalty and participation accounting.
Lessing Gold 金利辛

MSK Partner MSK律师事务所合伙人
ACCS Board Director
As the godfather to the security industry, Lessing (Les) Gold has a reputation second to none. Beginning with forming what is now the California Alarm Association in 1958 and his early experiences in getting the most formidable player in the space, Protection One, off the ground established his reputation in an industry focused on protecting people. It’s ironic that Les has spent his entire career, spanning decades, doing just that . . . protecting people around the globe.
From companies and individuals across the United States to those in faraway places like Japan, China, and Western Europe, Les has been counted on as a trusted advisor. The relationships he’s developed extend well beyond anything of a typical lawyer. As someone sought out for counsel on a wide range of issues, Les has managed to engender loyalty that stands the test of time. Considered a senior statesman by many who know him, he has consistently delivered results for people close to him. And their appreciation is shown around his office with gifts considered priceless. Ranging from a miniature scroll that displays the history of China to the life size sheep sculptures, Les proudly displays memorabilia . . . each of them with a rich history he fondly shares.
Xian Li 李娴

SK Global 影视制作全球副总裁
*SK Global 是全球影视制作投资公司,代表作品《摘金奇缘》
SK Global SVP Production
Former Director of Development and Production of 20th Century FOX
American - Chinese CEO Society Film & TV Committee, VP
*SK Global is a global film production and finance company famous for 2018 Rom-com box office hit Crazy Rich Asians
Craig Santy
Producer, Media Executive
producer of TV series for top networks
(CBS,ABC,A&E,NatGeo, Discovery, Bravo, Vh-1)
A liaison between East and West for major films, TV series and branded projects since the 1980s.
Provided production, branding and marketing services on Hollywood hits and Chinese films.
12:30PM Registration&Networking 登记注册
1:00-2:30PM Forum 论坛研讨会
**We highly encourage you to arrive on time!
Tagylan Cultural Complex
1201 Vine St Hollywood Los Angeles, CA 90038
Presented by

American-Chinese CEO Society
ACCS is a group of US and China based business leaders who have come together to build prosperity and friendship across our borders.We are a non-profit organization, without political position, dedicated to sharing our knowledge and experience with each other to enhance our own and others’ success.
ACCS members are in various industries including but not limited to medical devices, medical equipment, hospital construction, mining resources, energy, aerospace, real estate development, chemical engineering, building materials, environmental protection, water engineering, clean coal, textiles, IT technology, computer equipment, electronics, pharmaceuticals, transportation, logistics, furniture, food, toy, and industrial manufacturing etc.; not to mention financial, banking and investment services, legal, accounting, taxation, business consultation, urban design, hospital design, landscaping, healthcare management, education, real estate management and WTO issues; the last but not the least there are members who are engaged in running farm, winery, and ranch.
美国银行(www.BankofAmerica.com)、美国航空(American Airlines)、中国航空(China Airlines)、纽约人寿(www.NewYorkLife.com) 、南海岸购物商场(www.SouthCoastPlaza.com) 、富国银行(www.WellsFargo.com) 、ima 城市规划设计公司(www.imadesign.com) 、毕马威(www.KPMG.com) 、达美航空公司(www.delta.com) 、好莱坞MS&K律师事务所(www.msk.com)、加州高铁承建集团(XpressWest.com) 、新港滩豪宅房地产Surterre Properties (Surterreproperties.com) 、华美银行(www.eastwestbank.com) 、Pactrans Air & Sea物流公司(PacTrans.com) 、泛宇集团(transgloballlc.com)、文景假期(chinatour.com)、佳财会计师事务所(calcpacorp.com)、戚博雄律师事务所(sqilaw.com)、中国的中国工商行、华为、中国移动、中国银行、上海绿地集团、中国联通、上海春秋旅游、上海驻美国办事处、江苏省商务厅驻美国办事处等上千家企业。

创立于1908年,Mitchell Silberberg&Knupp LLP(MSK)事务所已经证明了它能够理解复杂,揭开神秘神秘面纱并定义未知的能力。 MSK在洛杉矶,纽约和华盛顿特区拥有130多名律师和办事处,通常被行业和法律内部人士称为“首选”公司,并在包括娱乐在内的各种业务领域拥有丰富的经验。业务范围涉及知识产权诉讼,国际争议,劳动和就业,电影,电视和音乐交易,移民,公司证券,监管,税务,信托和房地产,房地产和国际贸易等。我们的律师坚持不懈地创新,制定了开创性的立法,建立了有影响力的先例,并塑造了法律环境。有关更多信息,请访问www.msk.com。
About MSK
Since 1908, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP (MSK) has proven its ability to understand the complex, demystify the mysterious, and define the unknown. With more than 130 lawyers and offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C., MSK is often distinguished as a “go-to” firm by industry and legal insiders, and has extensive experience in a variety of practice areas, including Entertainment & IP Litigation, International Disputes, Labor & Employment, Motion Picture, Television & Music Transactions, Immigration, Corporate Securities, Regulatory, Tax, Trusts & Estates, Real Estate and International Trade. Relentlessly innovative, our lawyers have developed groundbreaking legislation, established influential precedents, and shaped the legal landscape. For more information, visit www.msk.com.
Olina Wang 王禹霄
American-Chinese CEO Society
626-247-0211 mobile
Twitter: AmChCEO Facebook: 企业家
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxxS38COiffPWDCWoCSt9Q
Youku: 美中企业家商会