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ACCS invites you to Dalian Wanda Group "US-Sino Business Evening"- Chairman Wang Jianlin Keynote Speaker 美中企业家商会会员应邀参加大连万达集团-王健林主席主旨演讲-活动

  • 17 Oct 2016
  • 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art


  • ACCS Members Free Addmission

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Wanda Group invites ACCS members to attend

 Dalian Wanda Group "US-Sino Business Evening" 



DATE 日期:   October 17, 2016 

TIME 时间:   5:00pm - 6:30pm presentation 

                   6:30pm - 8:00pm cocktail reception

                   下午5至6时半 简报

                   下午6时半至8时 鸡尾酒会

VENUE 地点: Los Angeles County Museum of Art

                    Bing Theater

                    5905 Wilshire Boulevard

                    Los Angeles


Wang Jianlin 

Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group



Bio 履历

Born in 1954, Wang Jianlin served in the Army between 1970 and 1986, at which time he was appointed Office Director of the Xigang District Government in Dalian. He has served as Chairman of the Dalian Wanda Group since 1989.

Wang Jianlin has previously served as a deputy to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was also a member of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Standing Committee and has also served as a vice chair of the 11th Congress of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. He currently serves as vice chair of the China Charity Confederation; vice chair of the China Folk Chamber of Commerce; vice chair of the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association; vice chair of the China General Chamber of Commerce; vice-chair of the Global Advisory Council of Harvard University.

Wang Jianlin has been honored with several awards for outstanding achievements in business management and corporate social responsibility.

2005 Received the title of “The Most Devoted Donator of Charity” awarded at the 1st“China Charity Awards” organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

2007 Honored as an “Outstanding Entrepreneur for Employee Care”, jointly awarded by All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce and All-China Federation of Trade Unions

2008 Won the “May 1st” Labor Medal.

2008 Received the title of “the Most devoted donator of charity” awarded at the 4th “China Charity Awards” organized by Ministry of Civil Affairs

2009 Won the title of “Model Individual for Supporting handicapped and disabled”, awarded by the State Council. And honored as “Business Leader of the decade” by CCTV.

2010 Honored as “Model Individual in Earthquake Relief Work in Yushu” by CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the CMC.

2011 Honored as a “Model Individual for Contribution to the Building of A Well-off Society” by a number of departments, including the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China.

2012 Elected as "2012 CCTV China Economic Person of the Year " for a second time after 2005.

2013 Elected as Forbes Asia's “Businessman of the Year”. Selected by "Foreign Policy" magazine as one of the “Top 100 Global Thinkers”.

2014 Named " 2013 Chinese Culture Industry Person of the Year".

2014 Named as an “Outstanding Individual for Poverty Alleviation” by the State Council.

2014 Topped the list of Chinese Philanthropists of Forbes China with a cash donation of RMB440 million. Made top 3 of the list for the 4th consecutive year.

2014 Awarded the “Annual Investment Prize of Spain”, an award for the most influential corporate or individual to Chinese-Western relations.

2015 Accepted the invitation from Drew Faust, President of Harvard University, to assume the position of Vice-Chair of the Global Advisory Council of Harvard University.

2015 Topped the list of 2014 Chinese Philanthropists of Forbes China

2015 Named one of the “Top 10 Persons in Electronic Commerce” by China Electronic Commerce Research Center.

2015 Named “The Best CEO in Asia” by the Asia Corporate Governance magazine. Wanda Group also won the prizes of “Best Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia” and “Top Investor Relations in Asia”.

2015 Named one of the “Top 10 Global Self-made Billionaire” by Wealth-X, and was the only Asian entrepreneur on the list.

2015 Selected as one of the “Most Influential 50 in the World” by Bloomberg, ranked at 37. 

This year Mr. Wang Jianlin is named the richest Chinese on Hurun Global Rich List 2016 and <Forbes 2016 Billionaires> list.






2005年 获得由国家民政部颁发的首届中华慈善奖最具爱心慈善捐赠个人称号。
2007年 获得由全国工商联、全国总工会联合授予的全国关爱员工优秀民营企业家
2008年 获得全国五一劳动奖章。
2008年 获得由国家民政部颁发的第四届中华慈善奖最具爱心慈善捐赠个人称号。
2009年 获得由中央统战部、全国工商联、中国光彩事业促进会等机构颁发的中国光彩事业突出贡献奖,获得国务院颁发的全国扶残助残先进个人称号,获得中央统战部等部委颁发的中国优秀社会主义事业建设者称号,被中央电视台评为十年商业领袖
2010年 获得中共中央、国务院、中央军委颁发的玉树地震全国抗震救灾模范称号。
2011年 被中共中央统战部、全国工商联、人力资源与社会保障部等部委授予 建设小康社会做贡献先进个人称号。
2012年 当选2012CCTV中国经济年度人物, 继2005年之后第二次当选。
2013年 当选福布斯亚洲年度商业人物。被美国《外交政策》杂志评为全球百名思想家之一。
2014年 获评2013中国文化产业年度人物
2014年 被国务院评为全国社会扶贫先进个人,并作为获奖代表接受表彰。
2014年 以4.4亿元的现金捐赠总额名列福布斯中国慈善榜第一位,连续四年在慈善榜上进入前三。
2014年 获得西班牙年度投资奖,该奖项授予对中西关系最具影响的企业和个人。
2015年 接受哈佛大学校长德鲁·福斯特邀请,担任哈佛大学国际顾问委员会副主席,成为该委员会的全球首位副主席。
2015年 王健林董事长位列福布斯2014年中国慈善排行榜第一。
2015年 王健林董事长被中国电子商务研究中心评为中国十大电商风云人物
2015年 王健林董事长被《亚洲企业管治》杂志评为亚洲最佳CEO,万达集团获亚洲最佳企业社会责任奖亚洲最佳投资者关系奖
2015年 王健林董事长入选Wealth-X《亿万富豪普查》全球白手起家10位净资产最高富豪,成为亚洲唯一入选的企业家。
2015年 入选彭博社评出的2015年全球最具影响力人物top50,位列第37位。



*By invitation only. This invitation is non transferable. 只限受邀嘉宾,邀请不可转让。

         Seats limited first come first serve


         ACCS MEMBERS 美中企业家商会会员:
         Must register online to be invited. 必需上网报名方可有效

Media on ACCS contact list are welcome to register. 美中企业家商会名单上的媒体单位欢迎报名。


Business attire 商务正装


Julia Chu

Chief of Staff

American-Chinese CEO Society
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