    American-Chinese CEO Society
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ACCS Xinhua News Agency On China Urbanization Trend & China VS U.S. Market

  • 10 Dec 2015
  • 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • 20341 SW Birch St. Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660


  • Platinum Members Free to Attend
  • Non-Member Fee of $60

Registration is closed


Presentation by the Bureau Chief of Xinhua News Agency Xue Ying. 


Talk by Senior Vice President Howard Ting 


You are part of a select potential group of ima's strategic partners for international opportunities and are cordially invited to attend the following event at ima's office.


ima:  one of the top international brand in cooperation with Disneyland and Irvine Company for years : www.imadesign.com

Venue: 20341 SW Birch St. Suite 100

               Newport Beach, CA 92660

Date : Thursday December 10th, 2015

Time:    4:00pm to 5:30pm

ima will be hosting a presentation by the Bureau Chief of the Xinhua News Agency (The Official Press Agency of the People's Republic of China).

        Overview of the topics of the presentation: 

1}  Changes in China and its effect on China's urbanization trends

2}   New layout infrastructure connecting speed train to all modes of  transportation

3}  New policies encouraging business start up with financing for the Chinese Government
4}  E commerce boom connecting the rural countryside in China

5} Government encouragement of innovation and invention

6} Difference in business practice and mind set between American & Chinese developers

7} What Chinese Investors look for in California

The bureau chief will provide data for us to understand the changes in China outlined above and its effect on China's urbanization trends.

Questions and answers will follow after the presentation.


Kathy Kung   龚冠群
Business Development Director
American-Chinese CEO Society
714-715-7318 mobile
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