Presentation by the Bureau Chief of Xinhua News Agency Xue Ying.
Talk by Senior Vice President Howard Ting
You are part of a select potential group of ima's strategic partners for international opportunities and are cordially invited to attend the following event at ima's office.
ima: one of the top international brand in cooperation with Disneyland and Irvine Company for years :
Venue: 20341 SW Birch St. Suite 100
Date : Thursday December 10th, 2015
1} Changes in China and its effect on China's urbanization trends
2} New layout infrastructure connecting speed train to all modes of transportation
5} Government encouragement of innovation and invention
6} Difference in business practice and mind set between American & Chinese developers
7} What Chinese Investors look for in California
Kathy Kung 龚冠群Business Development DirectorAmerican-Chinese CEO Society美中企业家商会開發部主任714-715-7318 Twitter: AmChCEO Facebook: 企业家Youtube: Youku: 美中企业家商会