American-Chinese CEO Society (ACCS)
10th Anniversary
Business Symposium
August 1, 2014
Location: World Famous Santa Anita Race Track
3 panels: Innovations, Interactions and Investment
World class speakers to attend include: Elon Musk of Tesla, Chi Zhihang of Air China, Ed Fuller of Marriott International etc.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
____ Presenting Sponsor - $20,000
Sponsorship includes:
- Cover on Business Symposium Program
- Logo on all promotional materials (sponsor to provide all camera ready artwork)
- Logo on Red Carpet Wall (Sponsor to provide camera ready artwork)
- One(1) Event Table or Booth (provides sponsor to display & give promotional materials)
- Media – mention in media with millions of multiple exposures in media including a 2 to 3 minute spot in Business Symposium Video to present your company
- 30 tickets for Business Symposium, 20 tickets for VIP Cocktail Reception
____ Participating Sponsor - $10,000
Sponsorship includes:
- Back Cover on Business Symposium Program
- Logo on some promotional materials (sponsor to provide all camera ready artwork)
- Logo on Red Carpet Wall (Sponsor to provide camera ready artwork)
- One(1) Event Table or Booth (provides sponsor to display & give promotional materials)
- Media – mention in media with millions of multiple exposures in Chinese media
- 1 to 2 minute spot in spot in Business Symposium Video to present your company
- 20 tickets for Business Symposium, 10 tickets for VIP Cocktail Reception
____ Sponsor - $5,000
Sponsorship includes:
- Inside Front Cover on Business Symposium Program
- Logo on Red Carpet Wall (Sponsor to provide camera ready artwork)
- One (1) Event Table or Booth (provides sponsor to display & give promotional materials)
- Media – mention in media with millions of multiple exposures in Chinese media
- 1 minute spot in spot in Business Symposium Video to present your company
- 10 tickets for Business Symposium, 5 tickets for VIP Cocktail Reception
____ Business Symposium Event Program Sponsor
Front and Back cover if presenting and participating sponsors not sold, $2,500 ea
Inside cover - $1,000
Inside Back Cover - $1,000
Support Page name $500
(Sponsor to provide camera ready art)
2 tickets for Business Symposium
____ Red Carpet Recognition on Step & Repeat Banner $1,000
Logo printed on BS event step & repeat banner
Allows sponsor to display & give promotional materials
____ Exhibitor Sponsor – Booth or Table at event – $1,000
Allows sponsor to give promotional materials
(Limited number of tables, first come basis)
Provides sponsor to display & give promotional materials
(Sponsor to supply camera ready logo)
2 tickets for Business Symposium
____ Business Symposium Raffle Sponsor – Supply gift with $100+ value
Supply Promotional materials with logo
To register to be a sponsor of the gem program in the ACCS 10th Anniversary event, please click here.
For questions please contact Kathy Kung at kathyaccs@gmail.com.